Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wheres my Hat on Wordless Wednesday?

Daisy loves to try on different items from around the house. She is wearing my favorite hat. I think she likes it. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lazy Cold Tuesday!

I don't know about you but it has been real cold around here the last couple of days. They call it the polar vortex. I call it artic air that traveled our way. But whatever you want to call it, it's winter time. Not our favorite time of year. Since we enjoy outdoor activities and we are now stuck inside. We came up with some fun games to play indoors. Like chase me up and down the stairs. Or toy toss. Rascal pictured above enjoys his lazy Tuesday basking in the sun. Rascal's favorite indoor game is his turbo track toy. He also enjoys chasing strings or anything that looks like one.
What are you doing during winter to have fun?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who's Playing on Wordless Wednesday?

Scooby at the door waiting to come in. Then he goes right back out to play with Daisy and his dad.

It's been snowing off and on the last few days. Today it's real cold out with temperature 9 degrees. Can't wait for a warm up.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Zuke's Sold to Nestle Purina- Now what do I Do?

If you haven't heard about it already Zuke's Performance Pet Nutrition has become part of Nestlé Purina PetCare. This is without a doubt good financially for Zuke's but how about the customers. The reason folks are purchasing from them is healthy safe dog treats made in USA. But who knows what will really change if anything. In the letter on Zuke's website they are planning to add new treats to this line. So there are going to be changes made. So many folks have been hurt by what others consider poor management. Nestle sold tainted dog treats to thousands of people since 2007 and didn't not even recall these horrible treats until recently. So that is voice for concern when your popular dog treat manufacturer just sold to them. So what do you do now? Check out Ledfoots Pet Bakery. Fresh baked dog treats and cat treats made in USA. They use the finest human grade ingredients and all treats are made in small batches for their highest quality control like no other. Stop by and give them a try. You can order their sample dog treat listing for a chance to try a few flavors out.

Let's get America back to work and help support small businesses. You may have a local bakery where you live. Stop in and give them a try. You may be surprised and wonder why you haven't tried them sooner. There are options out there for you. We just want to make you aware of them and hope you try them out.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Super Bowl and Puppy Bowl Fans!

So now we know which teams are going to the Super bowl 2014. Way to go Denver and Seattle and good luck. It should make for a great game.  We are football fans and love that there is a Puppy bowl. It's for a great cause. It gives awareness of the adoptable pets out there. All dogs and cats on the show are up for adoption and usually are all ready adopted by time they make it to the show.   So if you see someone you like on Puppy bowl and they have already been adopted, you can still find one just like him or her at your local shelter.
Our Puppy Bowl Pick of 2014 is Artemis (pictured above) she is 12 weeks old Lab/Sato mix. Isn't she adorable.
What is your favorite part of Puppy Bowl?  We enjoy the halftime show. Those kitties have a lot to play for and they don't hold back. How about the sky cam. I believe they have a hamster or gerbil enjoying the show from above.
We wish all pets on the show and at local shelters find their forever home soon.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Changes at Westminster Dog Show 2014

Westminster Dog Show 2014 has some new changes. There is now a mixed breed agility trial. Mix breeds have come a long way. They won't be able to compete for Best in show award, but that's ok. It's nice that mixed breeds are finally being recognized. No mixed breed has ever competed in 138 years the show has been running. Now it's there time in the spot light.
Three new breeds are being added for next months event. The Chinook, the Portuguese podengo pequeno and the rat terrier. So lets embrace these new changes and wish everyone good luck.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bully Sticks on Wordless Wednesday?

Miss Daisy Chewing on her bully stick. She gets to have one, once a month to help remove the plaque and tar from her teeth. Since she won't let me even get close to her mouth, we found this the best way to get her teeth clean. How do you keep your dogs teeth clean?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Valentine's Day is a Month Away-Dog Bakery Provides Heart Shaped Dog Treats

Valentine's Day is only a month away. Are you looking for Valentine's Day gifts for your pet friends? Ledfoots Pet Bakery has what you need. Heart shaped dog treats are being packaged in cute Valentine gift bags. You have a great selection of healthy dog treats to pick from. Like Bad Breath Mint dog treats, Savory Sweet Potato dog treats are just two popular treats they make. Or give them a gift that keeps on giving like their Dog Treat of the Month Club.  Don't want to get them dog treats. How about a dog toy or cat toy.  Bully sticks and antlers are popular and make nice gifts for all dog lovers. We love the antlers it keeps them busy while cleaning your dogs teeth. The best part antlers can last you up to 6 months or more depending on how often your dogs chew.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cats Hanging Out On Wordless Wednesday

Stay inside Rascal. It's still real cold out there. Rascal and his brothers are indoor cats. It's safer for them and they can't bother the neighbors.  Do you let your cats out?
Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wind Chill Factors- It's Cold Out! Keeping your Pets Safe during Winter

It's so cold out around here! Wind-chill factor was -45 yesterday and -25 today.  They cancelled schools for two days and no garbage pick up. A lot of businesses are closed too. With that said you need to keep your pets safe this time of year. For most dogs they should go outside to do their thing and come right back in. If you have doggy jackets and gloves use them they need it. Miss Daisy pictured above did not want to go out at all. Thank god we got her and Scooby warm sweaters to wear this winter. Now we need to find something to protect their paws. I could tell it's real cold out when Daisy lifts her paws up.  It looks like she was dancing, but I could tell she wasn't having any fun. All pets should be kept inside when the temperature drops in the teens or lower.  They should also be given plenty of water. Since the heat is on it gets real dry inside so we need more water for us and our pets. A humidifier will help. Just remember to drink plenty of fluids. First sign of dehydration in humans is a headache. To check your pets lift their fur by the skin. If the skin doesn't come right back after letting go they are already dehydrated. So make sure you give them plenty of water. Leave a couple bowls filled for them.
Daisy out after we received 1 foot of snow. Before the frigid temps.
We hope you have a safe and warm winter ahead. It seems like it's going to be a long one this year. Can't wait till spring!