Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who's Playing on Wordless Wednesday?

Scooby at the door waiting to come in. Then he goes right back out to play with Daisy and his dad.

It's been snowing off and on the last few days. Today it's real cold out with temperature 9 degrees. Can't wait for a warm up.


  1. I imagine the dogs are glad to have their coats on with that cold weather!

  2. That looks chilly! Living in the NW has made us totally unable to handle weather extremes.

  3. You guys look like frosty the snow pup! Hope it warms up soon! :)

  4. SO lucky you have a nice backyard to play in...even in the snow! Stay warm!

  5. If I could, I'd package up some of our warm Australian weather and send it over to you....stay warm.

  6. Snow brings out the silly in most dogs. ;-)

    --Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  7. Ohhhh...that does look frigid. Glad I'm in Tejas! Right now, at 8:40pm, it's 57 degrees outside. But looks like we're in for sleet tomorrow night, so change is a coming!

  8. 9 degrees? Wow I am spiiked spoiled with this cali weather huh?
