Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Having Fun in the Snow today-Sledding with the Dogs

Today we are receiving 9 inches of snow. Dogs love to play in it. And we love to play with them. Not much fun driving in it. We are staying put today. Blogging and meeting a lot of great people today. How is the weather by you?  Love to hear from you in our comments section.

We also have a sled hill about 5 minutes from the house. A great day to go sledding. Must get there before the snow melts this weekend. Yes they are forecasting 40' degree's by this weekend. So all snow we are getting today will be gone soon. Must go sledding tomorrow when the kids are back in school. LOL


  1. The wheather here is pretty intense, lots of snow, need it to be summer like two weeks ago!!!! :)

  2. We got up to 66 degrees today!! It was a bit windy tho!!! I live in north Florida. We have had a easy winter, it has only froze once so far. Good to meet you!!
    Thanks for your visit--hope you come again.

  3. Whew! That's a LOT of snow! I don't know if Daisy would like playing in the snow...she's not a fan of the cold.

  4. Fun!!! I wished we had taken the opportunity to try sledding with the dogs. I'd really like to see if they'd pull me on a sled. ;)

  5. Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm new to blogging so it's very exciting when I get a comment :) Really like the idea of your bakery - my best friend and I, when we are fed up of our day jobs, sometimes daydream about opening a dog bakery or a dog shelter. It's so lovely that you've adopted your pets. Feel free to do a guest post on my blog - I'm looking for people who have adopted a dog from a shelter to write a little blurb about what dog adoption means to them, how their dog changed their life, together with a picture of their dog . What do you think? If you or your readers are interested, shoot me an email at humanrescuesdog@gmail.com. Otherwise, keep up the great work!
