Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daily Omega3 All Natural Supplement

In our quest to keep our pets healthier and safer I have been looking for a natural healthy product not only to help one ailment but many. That's when I found Ascenta Ultra pure, great tasting omega-3 for dogs and cats. Being a pet lover I hate seeing my pet suffer especially when they get older. So finding a product that takes care of the body from the inside that helps with arthritis, renal function especially in cats, and most cats in their senior years are being diagnosed with kidney disease. It also really helps their skin and coats but not only that it helps heart health function, immune system health. There is another reason I wanted an all natural supplement, our adopted shelter cats all have URI so we wanted them to have a better immune system and since I have been giving them Ascenta Feline Omega3, their sneezing went down from sneezing all day long, to maybe a couple sneezes a day and not at all. With no recurring events of URI. 
 I just heard a wonderful story about a gentlemen and his dog who has epilepsy. The dog would have seizures daily and now since his owner has been giving him Ascenta Canine Omega3 fish oil on a daily basis, he has had fewer seizures and they are a lot milder. So there you have it two case studies and mine was personal experience. Now that I found such a great product I wanted to let you know and help spread the word. We can make a difference in our pets lives.

Canine Omega3
Is EPA & DHA fish oil supplement.
Omega3 is beneficial to maintain: Joint Health, growth and reproduction, skin and coat health, heart healthy and endurance, renal function, immune system health.
Used by Veterinarian institutions.
Smokey meat flavor.

Feline Omega3
Omega3 is beneficial to maintain: Joint Health, growth and reproduction, skin and coat health, heart healthy and endurance, renal function, immune system health.
Used by Veterinarian institutions.
Ocean Fish Flavor-All Natural